Terms of Use

Terms of Use

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This website (referred to in these user terms as the Website) is owned and operated by NSMC Practice Pty Ltd ACN 657 494 865 (“NSMC Practice”), who is referred to in these Terms of Use as “we”, “us”, “our” and similar grammatical forms. “You”, “your” and other similar grammatical forms refers to any person who may use the Website from time to time.

The material on the Website is copyright © NSMC Practice Pty Ltd ACN 657 494 865.

NSMC Practice offers secure cloud-based services (Services) that allow the safe collection, storage and disclosure of individuals’ personal information (which includes health information) in order to:

  • Streamline and automate the billing of patients for medical practitioners, including by facilitating payment of billings by third party payers (such as Medicare Australia, private health funds, or other regulatory payers);
  • Provide patient users a secure platform to pay any gap fees incurred from medical services provided by their practitioners; and
  • Provide its users with statistical analysis of invoices, billings and practices, including with respect to the individual patients of medical practitioners we support.

Clients and Patients may use the Website (Platform) in accordance with these Terms of Use.

For the purposes of these Terms of Use, the following meanings apply:

‘Clients’ means any person or entity who engages us to provide them with Services.

‘GST’ has the same meaning as defined in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth).

‘Patients’ means any patient of a Client who has received, or is considering or planning to receive, medical services from a Client and whose information may be stored on NSMC Practice’s servers.

‘Services’ has the meaning set out above. 

‘Services Fee’ means the fees paid by the Clients to us in consideration for our provision of the Services, as advertised and notified on our Platform from time to time.

The Platform is available for Clients and Patients to:

  1. Access and use, conditional on your acceptance without alteration of the terms and conditions set out below. By continuing to access and/or use the Platform, you are agreeing to these Terms of Use; and
  2. Upload material or information conditional on your acceptance without alteration of the terms and conditions set out below. By continuing to provide upload material or information to the Platform you are agreeing to these Terms of Use.

When you accept the Terms of Use on behalf of an employer, end user, or institution, you represent and warrant that you are authorised to do so by such entity by which you are employed or retained and for whose benefit you are using the Services. References herein to “you” and “your” shall mean “you and/or your employer, end user and your institution.”

In the interpretation of these Terms of Use, the following provisions apply unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
  2. a reference to any legislation includes any statutory modification or re-enactment of, and any subordinate legislation issued under, that legislation or legislative provision;
  3. a reference to an individual or person includes a corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, authority, trust, state or government and vice versa;
  4. a reference to any gender includes all genders;
  5. a reference to a recital, clause, schedule, annexure or exhibit is to a recital, clause, schedule, annexure or exhibit of or to the Terms of Use;
  6. a reference to any party to the Terms of Use or any other document or arrangement includes that party’s executors, administrators, substitutes, successors, and permitted assigns;
  7. a reference to dollars or $ means the lawful currency of Australia;
  8. where an expression is defined, another part of speech or grammatical form of that expression has a corresponding meaning; and headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation;
  9. a rule of construction does not apply to the disadvantage of a party because the party was responsible for the preparation of the Terms of Use, or any part of it; and
  10. unless expressly stated to be otherwise, the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by “including”, “for example” or similar inclusive expressions.

PART A: General terms of access to and use of the Platform (Terms of Access) applicable to both Clients and Patients

  1. Use of the Platform

(a) Subject to PART B below, you may not use the Platform (or the material contained on it) for any illegal purpose. This includes:

(i) the reproduction of the material in any material form;
(ii) the distribution of the material in any material form;
(iii) re-transmission of the material by any medium of communication;
(iv) uploading or reposting the material to any other site on the internet; and
(v) “framing” the material on the Platform with other material on any other website.

The above are unlawful in any jurisdiction and are specifically prohibited by these Terms of Access.

(b) Despite the above restrictions on use of the material on the Platform, and subject to your continued compliance with these Terms of Use (and in consideration of your payment of our fees), we grant you a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicenceable, revocable right to access and use the Services (including access to certain content available on the Platform (“Content”) solely in accordance with the terms set out in the Terms of Use.

(c) You may download material from the Platform for your use provided you do not remove any copyright and trademark notices contained on the material.

(d) You may not modify or copy:

(i) the layout of the Platform; or
(ii) any computer software and code contained in the Platform.

(e) You may only use the Services in accordance with the Terms of Use, any directions given by us (acting reasonably), and with all local and foreign laws and regulations applicable to you, and for lawful purposes.

(f) You must not, nor cause or permit any other person to:

(i) use the Services in a manner or for a purpose which is improper, immoral or fraudulent, which infringes any person’s rights (including intellectual property rights or privacy rights), violates these Terms of Use, or which restricts or interferes with the provision of the Services by us to any other user;
(ii) alter, modify, adapt or copy the whole or any part of the Services;
(iii) reproduce, duplicate, sell, exploit, decompile, dissemble, reverse engineer, enhance, alter or otherwise interfere with the whole or any part of the Services;
(iv) remove or obscure any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notice on the Services;
(v) enter into any transaction relating to access or use of the Services with a party other than us, without our prior written consent;
(vi) use any part of the Services or the Platform to aid any person or entity that conducts business which is the same or substantially similar to our business (being the business of providing billing and administrative services to medical practitioners);
(vii) attempt to disable or circumvent any security or other technological measure designed to protect the Services or users;
(viii) attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Services, computer systems or networks connected to the Services, through hacking, password mining or any other means; or
(ix) use the Services for any purpose or activity of an illegal, fraudulent, obscene, offensive, personally offensive or defamatory nature or use any mechanism, device, software or script to affect the proper functioning of the Services.

(g) At all times you must:

(i) be honest and faithful in all your dealings;
(ii) not engage in any unsound, unethical or improper business;
(iii) provide full and correct information to us, and provide truthful explanations to us, in all matters relating to the Terms of Use;
(iv) ensure at all times that your conduct does not bring any discredit on us or cause any nuisance or disruption to us or our employers;
(v) immediately notify us if you become aware of any malfunction of the Service or any breach of the Terms of Use.


(a) In order for us to provide certain functions of the Services, you must complete your registration details as described on the Services and agree to these Terms of Use.

(b) At the time of registration, you must nominate an email address and password.

(c) You agree to:

(i) keep your password confidential and not disclose it to any other person;
(ii) ensure that your registration details are true and correct at all times and must notify us of any change to your registration details as originally supplied; and
(iii) immediately notify us of any unauthorised use of your account, your password or any other breach of security.

(d) You are solely responsible for selecting and providing access to authorised users under your account and for any use of the Services by your account (even by unauthorised users).

(e) You will select, supervise, monitor and train the authorised users who use the Services to ensure the proper use of the Services, compliance with the Terms of Use, and the security of the information maintained in the Services.

(f) You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the selection, supervision, monitoring or training of your authorised users. You are responsible for terminating access to the Services for individuals who are no longer authorised to use the Services in connection with your account.


  1. Links to other websites

(a) The Platform contains links to sites on the internet owned and operated by third parties and which are not under our control.

(b) In relation to the other sites on the internet, which are linked on the Platform, we:

(i) provide the links to other sites as a convenience to you and the existence of a link to other sites does not imply any endorsement by us of the contents of the linked site; and
(ii) are not responsible for the material contained on those linked sites.

  1. Tax

(a) Unless otherwise provided in the Terms of Use or in a separate agreement executed by you and us, the Services Fee and other fees we charge do not include any taxes or duties (including, without limitation, sales, use, value- added, and withholding taxes and duties) and related fees, and you are responsible for paying all taxes, duties, and related fees arising from your purchases hereunder, excluding taxes based on our net income, employees, or property. If we have the legal obligation to pay or collect taxes, duties, or related fees for which you are responsible, the appropriate amount of such taxes, duties, and related fees shall be invoiced to and paid by you, unless you provide a valid tax exemption certificate authorised by the appropriate taxing authority.

(b) If you are in Australia, all consideration provided for any taxable goods or services supplied under the Terms of Use is exclusive of GST unless the contrary is expressly stated by us in writing. You will be responsible for paying any and all GST. The amount of that consideration must be increased by an additional amount equal to the GST on that taxable supply. The party who has to pay the additional amount must pay it at the same time as the consideration in respect of that taxable supply that becomes due.

(c) If GST is imposed on any supply made under these Terms of Use and the consideration payable or to be provided for the supply under any other clause in this Agreement is not expressed to be inclusive of GST, the recipient must pay to the supplier an amount on account of GST in addition to that GST exclusive consideration.

(d) The additional amount on account of GST referred to in clause 4(c) above:

(i) is equal to the value of the GST exclusive consideration payable or to be provided for the relevant supply (without deduction or set-off) multiplied by the prevailing GST rate; and
(ii) must be paid by the recipient to the supplier when the supplier issues a Tax Invoice to the recipient.

(e) If at any time an adjustment is made or required to be made between a party and the relevant taxing authority on account of any amount paid as GST under these Terms of Use:

(i) a corresponding adjustment must be made;
(ii) adjustment notes must be issued; and
(iii) any payment must be made between you and us as may be necessary to give effect to the adjustment.


  1. Disclaimers and limitations of liability

(a) We are an agent in the relationship between you and other users, and any information we make available to you (including any Patient-submitted information) is provided by third parties and does not originate from us. We do not independently verify the information provided by third parties, including information provided by any Individual User, and pass on information to you (including any details about the Patients) with no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, truthfulness, usefulness, reliability or integrity of any information that has not expressly originated from us.

(b) With respect to the information contained on the Platform or linked sites on the internet, we:

(i) are making the Platform available without assuming a duty of care to users; and
(ii) are not in the business of providing professional advice,

and therefore, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim any and all warranties, guarantees or representations (either express or implied) about:

(iii) the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, timeliness or otherwise of any information contained or referred to on the Platform or of any linked sites; and
(iv) the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose for any service or product of any information contained or referred to on the Platform or on any linked sites.

(v) We will not be liable under any circumstances for any loss of profits or any damages of any kind recognised by law (even if it has been advised of the possibility of such loss of profits or damages) which are the consequence of you:

    1. acting, or failing to act, on any information contained on or referred to on the Platform or any of the linked websites; and
    2. using or acquiring, or your inability to use or acquire, any service or product contained or referred to on the Platform or any linked sites.

(vi) We do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation that:

    1. the Platform, or the server that makes the Platform available on the internet are free of software viruses;
    2. the functions contained in any software contained on the Platform will operate uninterrupted or are error-free; and
    3. errors and defects in the Platform will be corrected,

and you must make your own precautions to ensure that the process which you use for accessing the Platform does not expose you to the risk of viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference which may damage your own computer system.

(c) We are not liable to you for:

(i) errors or omissions in the Platform, or linked sites on the internet;
(ii) delays to, interruptions of or cessation of the services provided in the Platform or linked sites;
(iii) any interference or damage to your own computer system which arises in connection with your use of the Services, the Platform, or linked sites; and
(iv) defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any user of the Platform,
whether caused through our negligence or the negligence of our employees, independent contractors or agents, or through any other cause.

(d) You agree to accept the full cost of any necessary repair, correction and maintenance of any of your computer software or hardware, which may be necessary as a consequence of you accessing the Platform.

(e) Where the Content provided by others contains opinions or judgements of third parties, we do not purport to endorse those opinions or judgements, nor the accuracy or reliability of them.

(f) You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account on the Services, and you are liable for the acts, defaults, and omissions of any person who accesses your account on the Services, as if they were acts, defaults, or omissions by you.

(g) Whilst we will undertake reasonable efforts to protect the information which we transmit and receive in accordance with our Privacy Policy, we do not warrant the security of any information which you transmit to us, and you are responsible for ensuring you have retained appropriate backups of any Content which you may provide to us.

(h) Our sole liability for breach of any terms, conditions and warranties in jurisdictions where such terms, conditions and warranties are implied and required by law, where the breach relates to the supply of services that are not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, and where it is fair and reasonable to do so, is limited at our option to one or more of the following:

(i) the supplying of the Services again; or
(ii) the payment of the cost of having the Services supplied again.

(i) To the fullest extent permitted by law and except as otherwise expressly stated in these Terms of Use, our liability to you for any reason (including any breach of, or omission under, these Terms of Use) is limited in aggregate to the amount of the Service Fee paid to us by you in respect of that calendar month.

(j) To the fullest extent permitted by law we are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential damage, loss, claim, expense or loss of profits, economic loss, business interruption, loss of goodwill, loss of profits, loss of savings on overheads or any loss of data which result from any use or access, or any inability to use or access, or misuse by you or any other party, of the Services or otherwise in connection with any content, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages or loss.

(k) Nothing in these Terms of Use is intended to exclude or limit any condition, warranty, right, or liability in a manner that is not permissible under applicable law. In some circumstances, some jurisdictions may not permit the exclusion of certain warranties or conditions, the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, or the limitation or exclusion of liability for loss or damage caused by negligence, breach of contract, or breach of implied terms. Accordingly, only the above limitations which are lawful in the applicable jurisdiction in which you may use the Services. With respect to any limitations which are not lawful as stated, our liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

(l) Subject to this clause 5, our liability for loss or damage to you will be reduced proportionately to the extent that:

(iii) such loss or damage has been caused by your failure to comply with your obligations and responsibilities under these Terms of Use; or
(iv) your actions or omissions have contributed to such loss or damage,
regardless of whether a claim is made by the other party.

  1. Termination of access

(a) Your agreement with us commences on the date you successfully register on the Platform or commence using our Services, and remains in force until terminated in accordance with this Terms of Use.

(b) We will use reasonable efforts to make the Services accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week or as otherwise stated on the Services from time to time, but we do not guarantee such availability.

(c) We reserve the right from time to time to immediately alter, interrupt, suspend, or terminate your right to access the whole or any part of the Services (including your access to our Platform) at any time in our sole discretion and without giving any explanation, justification or notice for the termination of access.

(d) Without limiting our rights under clause 6(c) above, we may also immediately terminate your right to access the whole or any part of the Services (including your access to our Platform) without any notice to you if you are in breach of these Terms of Use at any time.

(e) On termination, you must immediately pay any and all outstanding invoices or any charges or fees incurred as a result of your access and use of the Service before the date of termination.

(f) You agree that we will not be liable for any costs, losses or damages of any kind that may arise from any such interruption, suspension, termination or alteration pursuant to this clause.

(g) Termination does not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either you or us, nor does it affect any provision which is expressly or by implication intended to operate after termination.

  1. Alteration of Terms of Access

(a) We reserve the right to change these Terms of Access:

(i) with or without further notice to you; and
(ii) without giving you any explanation or justification for such change.

(b) Amendments will be effective immediately upon notification on the Website. Your continued use of the Website will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the Terms of Use as amended.

8. Use and disclosure of personal information

(a) We and any people or legal entities authorised by us may collect and process the personal information:

(i) which you may provide when accessing the Platform, such as your name, address, e-mail address and other personal information about you; and
(ii) regarding the way in which you use the Website including, without limitation, information acquired through the use of cookies delivered to your computer when you access our Website.

(b) We may authorise others to offer you goods and services using the information acquired, as described in clause 8(a).

(c) We will comply with the Australian privacy legislation with respect to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information. Please refer to our full privacy policy for details of how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information.

(d) You will at all times indemnify and keep indemnified us and our respective clients, officers, employees, contractors, agents and practitioners who we support (Those Indemnified) from and against any loss (including reasonable legal costs and expenses) or liability incurred by any of Those Indemnified arising from any claim, demand, suit, action or proceeding by any person against any of Those Indemnified where such loss or liability arose out of, in connection with or in respect of:

(i) your use of the Services (including but not limited to your access and use of the Platform and the Content);
(ii) any breach of these Terms of Use by you; and
(iii)our collection, use, publication or distribution of the material or information supplied by you from time to time.

  1. Intellectual property rights

(a) We reserve all intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, copyright in the Content, the Platform, and any material or services provided by it. The Content is provided to you in accordance with the licence set out under clause 1(b) above only and may not be:

(i) re-sold or re-distributed in any material form;
(ii) stored in any storage media; or
(iii) re-transmitted in any media,
without our prior written consent.

(b) We reserve the right to modify, vary, correct, alter, remove or delete any part or all of the Platform or the Content, at any time in our sole discretion and without any notice to you. We and our respective officers, employees and agents have no liability for any costs, losses or damages of any kind, which you may incur, arising whether directly or indirectly as a consequence of removing any material or information from the Platform.

(c)All logos, icons, brand names or service names that identify the owner and operator of the Platform are our copyright property or our trade marks or service marks. All other trade marks or service marks on the Platform or any linked websites are the property of their respective owners. You must obtain written permission before reusing any copyrighted material that is published on the Platform. Any unauthorised use of the materials appearing on the Platform may violatecopyright, trade mark and other property rights or legal protections and could result in criminal and/or civil penalties.

(d) Other than for the purposes of, and subject to the conditions prescribed under applicable copyright laws which apply in your location, and except as expressly authorised by the Terms of Use, you may not in any form or by any means without our prior written approval:

(i) adapt, reproduce, distribute, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of the Services; or
(ii) commercialise any Content, goods or services obtained from any part of the Services.

(e) You guarantee and warrant that you hold all intellectual property rights in the Content which you upload to the Platform and/or have obtained any relevant consents which may be required under applicable privacy legislation for the use and disclosure of such information (and you indemnify us from any damages, costs, losses or liabilities which may arise from our use of the Content). By submitting any information or other material to us (including inputting data or engaging in any other form of communication), you grant to us a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, unrestricted, worldwide licence to do the following in respect of the information or material:

(i) for the purpose of complying with our obligations under, and to permit you to comply with all of your obligations under, the Terms of Use;
(ii) use, copy, sublicence, redistribute, edit, adapt, transmit, publish and/or broadcast, publicly perform or display; and
(iii) sublicence to any third parties the unrestricted right to exercise any of the rights granted in paragraph (ii), provided that, where such use is not for the purpose of complying with these Terms of Use, all personal and sensitive information will be removed from the information and materials before such information and/or materials is made available to any other person.

(f) The licence in the previous clause includes the right to exploit all proprietary rights in that information or other material including but not limited to rights under copyright, trademark, service mark or patent laws under any jurisdiction worldwide.

(g) You unconditionally and irrevocably consent to all acts and omissions by us, or people authorised by us, which would otherwise amount to an infringement of your moral rights in that information or other material. This includes consent to change the information or other material even if the change amounts to a “derogatory treatment” of the information or other material as that term is defined in Division 4 of Part 9 of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

(h) At our request and expense, you will execute and deliver to us such instruments and take such other actions as may be required to give full legal effect to this grant of licence and consent.

(i) You are solely responsible for retaining/maintaining/storing and backing up (electronically and/or with hard copies) any information or materials that you wish to preserve. We are not responsible for unauthorised access to, use of or alteration of your information.

(j) To the extent any moral rights are not transferable or assignable, you hereby waive and agree never to assert any and all moral rights, or to support, maintain or permit any action based on any moral rights that you may have in or with respect to any information or materials you upload to or through the Platform. You expressly release us and our agents, partners, licensees, successors, and assigns from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, or causes of action, whether now known or unknown, for defamation, copyright infringement, violation of moral rights, and invasion of the rights to privacy, publicity, or personality or any similar matter, or based upon or relating to your posting of information or materials.

  1. Relevant jurisdiction

(a) If any part of these Terms of Access is found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable then that part will be deemed to be severable from the balance of these Terms of Access and the severed part will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

(b) These Terms of Access will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law of Queensland, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws.

(c) You agree to the jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland to determine any dispute arising out of these Terms of Access.

PART B: Additional terms of use for Clients (Terms of Use)

  1. Payment and Fees

(a) When you purchase the Services from us, you agree to the following invoicing and payment terms set out in this Part B of these Terms of Use.

(b) By using our Services, you agree to pay the Services Fees. You appoint us as your agent (and we accept such appointment) to:

(i) issue invoices on your behalf and as instructed by you in respect of the medical services in relation to which you have requested we provide the Services;
(ii) direct into a nominated bank account which is under your control the payment of such invoices;
(iii) issue receipts in your name in respect of those invoices;
(iv) issue invoices to you, for our Services Fees, which you agree to pay within a reasonable time after receipt; and
(v) issue you with a tax invoice for the Services Fees plus GST for the period since the last tax invoice.

(c) You agree to complete, sign and give to us all forms, documents, or other approvals necessary for us to provide you with the Services.

(d) You agree that you are liable for (and indemnify us against) any repayments, claims, losses, or other damages which may arise as a result of monies received under clause (b) above, including (but not limited to) any liabilities, losses, costs or expenses which we may incur in connection with any claims brought against us by a regulator, tribunal or government department (including under the Health Legislation Amendment (Improved Medicare Compliance and Other Measures) Act 2018 (Cth).

(e) We reserve the right to update, amend, add, remove or replace available pricing plans, terminology and functionality in the NSMC Practice system.

(f) If you fail to pay us any amount payable under the Terms of Use when due, then:

(i) all money you owe us becomes immediately payable;
(ii) we may suspend providing the Services to you, and may charge a reactivation fee for the suspended Services;
(iii) you must pay, in addition to the amount outstanding, interest at the rate equal to the cash rate target published by the Reserve Bank of Australia, plus a margin of 5% per annum or the highest amount permitted by applicable law on the amount outstanding for each day during which the default continues; and
(iv) you must pay all reasonable expenses incurred by us in enforcing the Terms of Use, including, but not limited to, all expenses of any legal proceeding and all reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with such action.

Call us or book your appointment online

Bookings can be made online using our easy to use booking platform with AutoMed Systems. If you prefer to speak with our team, you can call us on 07 3521 4333.