Travel Vaccinations

Travel Vaccinations

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At Narangba Station Medical Centre, we understand the importance of comprehensive travel health preparation.

Did you know that a significant portion of travellers don't seek appropriate travel health advice before embarking on their journeys (around 70%!), and a considerable number (up to 50%) end up suffering from illnesses while on holiday? Travel vaccinations play a crucial role in ensuring your health and peace of mind during your travels.

Narangba Station Medical Centre is dedicated to minimising your health risks while abroad by providing personalised travel advice, immunisations, malaria prevention, and specific illness prevention strategies tailored to the requirements of your destination. We offer a wide range of travel vaccinations and preventive measures to suit varying needs, ensuring optimal safety for your upcoming overseas trip.

Two travellers holding their passports and luggage, setting off on their travels after receiving travel vaccinations at Narangba Station Medical Centre.

Our team of doctors at Narangba Station Medical Centre includes specialists with a keen interest in travel medicine. Your appointment regarding travel medicine marks the beginning of an immunisation journey, with certain vaccinations stocked on-site for your convenience.
For those requiring vaccinations not immediately available, our practitioners will guide you on obtaining them elsewhere.

It's important to note that while we provide comprehensive travel health services, we are not an exclusive travel vaccination clinic. We are also not an authorised yellow fever and tuberculosis vaccination centre. Our practitioners will advise you if certain vaccinations need to be organised elsewhere. Additionally, we update your immunisation record online and provide a copy for your records. Our doctors can also prescribe appropriate medications, such as anti-malaria tablets and remedies for traveller's diarrhoea, to accompany you on your journey.

We highly recommend allowing plenty of time before your departure date to speak with one of our experienced doctors. They will provide you with essential information about the health risks you should be aware of and help you plan accordingly.

Take charge of your travel health today with Narangba Station Medical Centre. Ensure your peace of mind and optimal safety during your travels by scheduling an appointment with our experienced doctors today.

Travel Vaccinations in Narangba

Our practice stocks a wide range of private vaccines (billed separately). Below is some information about the vaccinations offered at Narangba Station Medical Centre.

Cholera is a bacterial infection characterised by painless yet copious watery diarrhoea, which can quickly lead to dehydration. Additional symptoms may include vomiting and leg cramps, with the severity ranging from mild to life-threatening if left untreated. The Cholera bacteria typically spread through water or food contaminated with infected faeces, and outbreaks can occur explosively, especially in situations like floods or other disasters where sanitation is compromised. Raw or undercooked seafood from polluted waters can also trigger outbreaks. The risk of contracting Cholera depends on various factors and should be discussed with a healthcare provider. Vaccination against Cholera is widely available and should be considered when planning travel. Treatment involves prompt replacement of lost fluids and salts, often through oral rehydration solutions, with antibiotics sometimes prescribed depending on the circumstances.

By adhering to food and water safety measures and ensuring you receive the necessary cholera vaccination tailored to your destination, you can decrease the likelihood of contracting the disease. For travellers spending more than 2-3 weeks in cholera-prone areas, getting vaccinated is strongly advised. The cholera vaccine offers timely, safe, and straightforward protection against infection.

Treating cholera is straightforward and effective with prompt replenishment of fluids and electrolytes lost due to diarrhoea. Patients can utilise oral rehydration solutions like Gastrolyte, included in the Travel Vaccination Health Care's Gastro Kit.

Polio, short for Poliomyelitis, is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. Symptoms may include minor ailments like fever, sore throat, and headache, alongside more significant manifestations such as muscle weakness leading to paralysis. Vaccination against polio is the most effective preventive measure, readily available and highly recommended for travellers to areas where the virus is present. Seeking advice from a healthcare professional about polio vaccination prior to travel is crucial for ensuring a safe journey.

Rabies is a viral disease primarily affecting animals, but it can be transmitted to humans through the saliva of infected animals, typically via bites. Common carriers include dogs, cats, and monkeys. Symptoms usually appear 2-8 weeks after exposure and can be severe, including fever, headache, weakness, paralysis, and eventually death due to breathing difficulties. Prevention through vaccination is highly effective, especially for individuals with occupational risks or those travelling to endemic areas. Additionally, travellers participating in high-risk activities like trekking, cycling, or caving should also consider vaccination. Prompt medical attention is essential for anyone bitten or scratched by a potentially infected animal, followed by thorough wound cleansing and post-exposure rabies vaccination.

Japanese Encephalitis is a serious viral infection causing flu-like symptoms such as headache, neck stiffness, and confusion, with the potential for severe outcomes like loss of consciousness or long-term brain damage. The virus is primarily transmitted by mosquitoes, particularly in rural areas of Southeast Asia, China, and other regions.

The primary prevention method involves scheduling a Japanese encephalitis vaccination before travelling and taking measures to avoid mosquito bites by using repellents and appropriate clothing.

For travellers planning to spend a month or more in rural areas or considering long-term residence in urban areas where Japanese encephalitis is prevalent, vaccination is strongly recommended. A multi-dose vaccination program is available, which should be completed at least 10 days before travelling. This vaccination provides over 95% protection and is recommended for all travellers aged over 1 year.

It's important to note that some individuals may experience a reaction to the vaccine, such as a sore arm, slight fever, or general aches and pains. Approximately 1% of patients may experience a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine, necessitating all patients to remain under observation for 30 minutes after immunisation.

Furthermore, it's advised to refrain from consuming alcohol for 48 hours after vaccination.

Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes in parts of Africa and South America, with symptoms including fever, vomiting, jaundice, and kidney disease. Vaccination is essential for travellers to endemic areas, providing nearly 100% protection and is often required for entry into certain countries. A single dose is typically effective within 10 days and provides lifelong immunity for most individuals, although there may be exceptions. Your doctor will evaluate your health history to determine if further doses are necessary, particularly if you have received the vaccine before. It's important to consult with your doctor if you are pregnant, allergic to eggs, or have weakened immunity due to chemotherapy or HIV-AIDS, as these factors may affect your suitability for the yellow fever vaccine.

It is important to adhere to general precautions for avoiding mosquito bites in addition to receiving a yellow fever vaccination. These precautions include wearing protective clothing, using mosquito netting, and potentially treating clothing with Permethrin should be discussed with your travel doctor.

Hepatitis B is a viral infection causing symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal discomfort, potentially leading to liver cirrhosis or cancer in chronic cases. It is prevalent in regions such as Asia, Africa, and South America, primarily transmitted through activities involving blood exposure or sexual contact with carriers. Vaccination is recommended for travellers to endemic areas, especially for long-term stays or those with increased exposure risks. Healthcare providers can assess individual vaccination needs based on travel plans and health history.

Travellers should ensure they are protected by receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine and should endeavour to avoid all activities or exposures as mentioned above.

All travellers planning to reside in endemic areas for more than one month should receive the Hepatitis B vaccine. Additionally, travellers staying for less than one month but engaging in activities involving direct contact with blood (e.g., health workers) or having sexual contact with residents in endemic areas should also schedule a Hepatitis B vaccination.

Note: Hepatitis B vaccination is routinely administered to babies and school children; however, many young adults at risk may not have been vaccinated. These specifics should be discussed with your travel doctor to determine your eligibility for Hepatitis B vaccination.

Hepatitis A is a viral disease spread through poor hygiene or contaminated food and water, causing symptoms like nausea, jaundice, and abdominal discomfort. Vaccination is vital for travellers visiting endemic areas, with protection lasting up to a year and booster doses extending immunity. Preventive measures also include minimising exposure to contaminated food and water. Healthcare providers can advise on vaccination schedules and risk reduction strategies based on travel plans and destinations.

To minimise the risk of contracting Hepatitis A, all travellers should take precautions to avoid potentially contaminated water or food.

Those aged over 1 who are visiting highly endemic areas should receive the Hepatitis A vaccine. A single dose provides protection for up to one year, and a booster dose administered at 6–12 months extends protective levels. Current data suggests that the vaccine may offer protection for 30–40 years, although drug product information states 20 years. The vaccine is known to be very safe and highly effective in the long term. Ensuring Hepatitis A vaccinations are kept up to date is crucial when planning travel.

Typhoid is a bacterial infection transmitted through contaminated food and water, causing symptoms like fever, lethargy, and gastrointestinal disturbances. Vaccination is recommended for travellers to endemic regions, particularly for prolonged stays or in areas with poor sanitation. Simple precautions like food and water safety can also help prevent infection. Healthcare providers can administer the typhoid vaccine and offer guidance on preventive measures tailored to individual travel plans. The injectable form of the typhoid vaccine is available and provides protection for three years.

Treatment for typhoid typically involves a course of antibiotics lasting 10 to 14 days.

Malaria is a parasitic infection transmitted by mosquitoes, leading to symptoms such as fever, chills, and muscle aches, potentially progressing to severe complications. While there is no malaria vaccine, preventive medication and mosquito bite prevention are crucial for travellers to endemic areas. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for managing malaria infections. Healthcare providers can prescribe appropriate medications and offer advice on preventive measures based on travel itineraries and risk factors.

While there isn't a vaccination available for malaria, preventive anti-malaria medication may be recommended to lower the risk of infection. It's important to note that no medication guarantees 100% effectiveness and may carry potential side effects. The decision to use medication depends on various factors, and for some travellers, adequate mosquito protection with a suitable insect repellent may be sufficient. It's imperative to adhere to the prescribed medication regimen.

Pregnant women and young children are strongly advised against travelling to malaria-prone regions due to the lack of entirely safe anti-malaria medications for them. Options may include postponing the trip or choosing alternative destinations.

Meningitis is a brain infection transmitted through respiratory transmission, posing a risk in various regions worldwide. Vaccination provides significant protection against meningitis, especially for travellers visiting high-risk areas. Additional vaccines may be recommended based on individual risk factors and travel plans. Healthcare providers can advise on vaccination options and other preventive measures tailored to specific destinations.

Meningitis carries a high risk of mortality, yet vaccination significantly reduces this risk. Additional safeguarding can be attained through meningococcal vaccines and immunisation against other diseases posing high risks. It's advisable to consult with your doctor prior to travelling to explore these options.

Tetanus is a severe bacterial disease causing muscle spasms and breathing difficulties, typically transmitted through wounds contaminated with soil or other substances. Vaccination is crucial for ongoing protection against tetanus, especially for travellers visiting areas where medical care may be limited. Booster doses may be necessary depending on individual vaccination history and travel plans. Healthcare providers can administer tetanus vaccines and offer guidance on preventive measures.

Diphtheria is a bacterial infection spread through respiratory droplets, causing symptoms like sore throat and fever. Vaccination against diphtheria is essential for travellers, especially in regions where the disease is prevalent. Ensuring up-to-date vaccinations protects against diphtheria and related complications. Healthcare providers can administer diphtheria vaccines and offer advice on preventive measures for travellers.

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory infection causing symptoms like fever and coughing fits. Vaccination against pertussis is crucial for travellers, particularly in areas where outbreaks occur. Keeping up to date with vaccinations reduces the risk of contracting and spreading pertussis. Healthcare providers can administer pertussis vaccines and provide guidance on preventive measures for travellers.

Measles is a highly contagious viral illness characterised by fever and rash, with potential complications like pneumonia and encephalitis. Vaccination against measles is essential for travellers, especially in regions where the disease remains endemic. Ensuring immunity through vaccination prevents measles infection and related health risks. Healthcare providers can administer measles vaccines and offer advice on preventive measures for travellers.

Mumps is a viral infection causing symptoms like fever and swollen salivary glands, with potential complications like deafness and inflammation of the brain. Vaccination against mumps is crucial for travellers, especially in areas where outbreaks occur. Maintaining up-to-date vaccinations reduces the risk of contracting and spreading mumps. Healthcare providers can administer mumps vaccines and provide guidance on preventive measures for travellers.

Rubella is a viral infection causing symptoms like fever and rash, with serious complications for pregnant women and their babies. Vaccination against rubella is essential for travellers, especially for women of childbearing age. Ensuring immunity through vaccination prevents rubella infection and related health risks. Healthcare providers can administer rubella vaccines and offer advice on preventive measures for travellers.

The Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) vaccine is administered as a single injection and should be recommended for individuals born since 1966 who have not received two doses of MMR or lack serological evidence of protection. Possible side effects of the vaccine include rash, lethargy, or fever, typically appearing 7-10 days post-vaccination and lasting up to 3 days.

Call us or book your appointment online

Bookings can be made online using our easy to use booking platform with AutoMed Systems. If you prefer to speak with our team, you can call us on 07 3521 4333.

Contact & Bookings

To make an appointment, please call reception or use our online booking system via the button below. You can also visit our contact page to see further details about our location and directions.

Bookings are available from as early as 7AM on weekdays and Saturday. We are also open Sunday afternoon and late evening on Tuesday and Thursday until 8:30PM. 

Fax: (07) 3521 4334

Address: Shop 1/30 Main Street, Narangba, QLD, 4504

Can't find us? - We are situated across the road from Narangba Train Station next to the Narangba Village shopping complex. Look for signs for Narangba Health Centre and IGA.

Serving patients in Narangba, Burpengary, Dakabin, Deception Bay, Morayfield, North Lakes and North Brisbane surrounds